vendredi 27 mai 2016

These Photos From The Past Are Shocking. I Can't Believe Some Of Them.

By 10 h 35 No comments
Throughout history, things have changed, but people stay the same. And by that, I mean they're weird. There are so many unbelievable moments that have happened over the decades, and luckily one Reddit user found a gallery of the best odd photos from history.

1. A woman taking her baby for a stroll in a gas-resistant baby carriage.

2. People posing next to the Statue of Liberty's face as it was being un-packed.

3.Fuzzy ducklings being used as therapy animals for children.

4. A brave man testing out a new bulletproof vest.

5. This circus hippo pulling a cart.


dimanche 22 mai 2016

A Momma Goose Kindly Asked Police Officers To Help Her Gosling Who Was In Trouble

At the point when Cincinnati police Sgt. James Givens was “called” to the scene by a mother goose, he couldn’t have comprehended what it was for.She continued “pecking at my cruiser’s entryway and typically they don’t draw close to us. At that point it left and ceased and thought back so I tailed it and it drove me directly over to the child that was tangled up in all that string,” Givens said. The cop and his accomplice rapidly got the chance to work liberating the poor infant – are you prepared to smile?This could have finished so horrendously if these officers weren’t at the scene. Thank heavens we would all be able to appreciate this upbeat closure!


This Trucker Tried To Take A U-Turn At Low Bridge. What Happened Next Made Me Cringe.

By 11 h 09 No comments


People Who Are Afraid Of Heights Went Cliff-Diving, See What Happened.


10 Hostel Life Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Earlier!

10 Hostel Life Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Earlier!


vendredi 20 mai 2016

Fearless Man Jumps Into The Water To Help Save A Drowning Black Bear!


Little Girl Sees A Baby Deer Slowly Approaching. What Follows Is Nothing Short Of Amazing…


Money Changes People ? Sometimes It’s For The Better, But Sometimes For The Worst


mardi 17 mai 2016

A Woman Swings At An Elephant…Now Watch What The Elephant Does Next!


People Can’t Stop Sharing This Video Of A Guy Dancing ! adorable

I don't know of you know this but Justin Timberlake just shared this video on his official FB page. Congrats man. :)


Video Of A Little Girl ‘Tippi’ Growing Up Alongside Wild Animals

 Video Of A Little Girl ‘Tippi’ Growing Up Alongside Wild Animals

People all over the world view this article on Tippi. It's the most viewed page on my website since I posted it.
Real Life Mowgli ?? Tippi spent the first 10 years of her life living alongside some of the world’s most amazing and dangerous wild animals. Video :


This Diver Witnessed Something Wondrous. but I Still Can't Believe What Happened Next!

By 08 h 55

Paul Nicklen describes his most amazing experience as a National Geographic photographer - coming face-to-face with one of Antarctica's most vicious predators.


Four Girls Jam Out To The Radio While Driving, But When The Phone Rings? My Heart Broke

By 08 h 40

Please SHARE this message with everyone you know. It just might save a life.

lundi 16 mai 2016

Lion VS Giant Anaconda Snake

By 08 h 50


dimanche 15 mai 2016

Guy in the Girl’s Locker Room Prank! – Prank Bank

By 10 h 38


Amazing Video Of A Baby Who Sees For The First Time

By 10 h 36


He Begins His Audition With 5 Words – The Judges’ Instant Reaction Has Everyone On Their Feet

By 10 h 25

Charly Luske walked on stage at The Voice: Holland and stepped up to the mic. He was prepared to sing the James Brown classic, “It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World,” and his voice could not be more perfect for the part. The moment he sings the first 5 words to the song, the judges instantly hit their buzzer and turn around.

James Brown’s “It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World” was produced in 1966, and became No. 1 on the Billboard charts shortly after. As an iconic song of that time period, it’s hard to find those who can do the song justice, but Charly delivers beautifully. His confidence and charisma on the mic make him a crowd favorite, and by the end of his performance, the whole crowd is on their feet.

She Was Married For 6 Weeks When She Lost Her Husband. 68 Years Later, She Learns The Truth

By 10 h 21

Peggy Harris, a woman from Vernon, Texas, married her husband Billie back in the 1940s. They were only married for six weeks when Billie was deployed by the United States to fight in World War II.

Lt. Billie Harris left for a Nazi-occupied Norther France on July 17, 1944, and Peggie never heard from her husband again.

It took 68 years for Peggy to find out the fate of her husband. Originally, she thought Billie was killed in action. Then, she was told that her husband was alive and coming home. Later on, she was once again told that her husband had died. The confusion over her husband’s status was an immense weight on Peggy’s heart, but as time wore on, she began to believe more and more that her husband had died during the war.

Because of the confusion and communication errors, Peggy wrote to congressmen, hoping to get a confirmed word on her husband’s status. She was finally told that Billie was marked MIA (missing in action).

Taking matters into her own hand, Peggy worked with her cousin, Alton Harvey, and the two began a private investigation. Through their own digging, they discovered that Billie was actually buried in the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Normandy, France. It took 68 years for Peggy to finally learn her husband’s fate. He died a celebrated hero.

Watch the video below to learn more about Peggy’s undying love for her husband. She makes an annual visit to the cemetery to honor her husband!

Please SHARE this amazing story with your friends on Facebook.